Compiling NEURON 6.1.1

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Compiling NEURON 6.1.1

Post by sl »

I ran into a large number of issues during the compilation process of the newest NEURON release.

At first I compiled NEURON from svn a couple of weeks ago, before the official 6.1 release. Here are the relevant command lines I used (if it is not listed here, it is the same as per guide).

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=`pwd` --with-paranrn --with-mpi --with-multisend CPPFLAGS="-IC:/DeinoMPI/include" LDFLAGS="-LC:/DeinoMPI/lib -lmpi"
Also, I had to alter nrn/src/mswin/ as follows:

On line 55 and 64 added "-lmpi -LC:/DeinoMPI/lib" at the end
On line 54 added "oc/modlreg.o" before the \

The above tricks worked fine on the alpha 6.1 release, and since it was configured to create an installer everything worked fine. I got an MPI enabled 6.1 installation.

With the new official release the installation is no longer configured to create the installation file. The guide says that this is due to the utilization of cygIVhines-3.dll and cygnrniv.dll. However, those files are nowhere to be found, and looking through the makefiles, they are nowhere to be made.

I was wondering why that was the case. Also, I scanned through the svn and it seems that not many changes were made in the recent weeks, so is it worth it for me to try to compile this given that I have a compiled source from Nov 17th?

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Post by hines »

Release 6.1 changed the dll name from
cygnrniv.dll to hocmodule.dll. Even more confusing is that the first change to my new development 6.2 version is that the name got changed again to nrniv.dll
along with a small hocmodule.dll stub. None of this was just for sake of changing names but is important to allow all combinations of cygwin-noncygwin and python extending-embedding to work under mswin. So the guide needs to be
changed to mention hocmodule.dll instead
of cygnrniv.dll for the release 6.1 and
mention nrniv.dll instead of cygnrniv.dll for
the alpha 6.2 versions. With regard to
cygIVhines-3.dll, you can get that from
a recent installation using setup.exe and find it in c:\nrn61\bin or else build the InterViews portion from the sources and find it in neuron/iv/i686/bin
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