Welcome to the NEURON Forum

Welcome to the NEURON Forum. Please read these items first.
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 4:50 pm
Location: Yale University School of Medicine

Welcome to the NEURON Forum

Post by ted »

What are the goals of the NEURON Forum?
The primary goal of the NEURON Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information about NEURON. We also hope it will foster the productive use of computational modeling in neuroscience in general.

Who can read these discussions?
Anyone can read a discussion thread.

Who can post a message on the NEURON Forum?
Only registered users can add their own comments or start a new discussion topic. By registering, you become part of a community and can give something back. As a registered user, you can subscribe to a discussion thread and receive an email notice when there is a new posting.

Who can register?
Registration is open to anyone who is interested in computational neuroscience, whether you use NEURON or not.

How do I use this thing?
At the top of this page you'll see a link to the FAQ page that describes the mechanics of how to use the NEURON Forum.

What's going to happen to the NEURON Users' Group mailing list?
It will continue to exist, at least for a while. We anticipate that NEURON users will gradually come to adopt the NEURON Forum as a far more flexible and powerful way to share information about NEURON and computational modeling in neuroscience. This should strengthen the NEURON Users' Group itself, even as the mailing list withers away.

What if I my question is off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush?
As before, you can always contact Michael Hines or Ted Carnevale by direct email.