Is inserting the hh mechanism compulsory?

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Is inserting the hh mechanism compulsory?

Post by ipv1313 »

I am trying to implement the persistent sodium current in my model. For this, I have removed the hh mechanism from my code. By doing so, the following error occurs:

Code: Select all

hh mechanism not inserted in section dopaminergic[0].soma
 in C:/Users/verma/OneDrive/Model_OneDrive/test.hoc near line 244
 addgraph("dopa.soma.ina", 2, 1)
I am using this implementation of persistent sodium current:

Code: Select all

        (S) = (siemens)
        (mA) = (milliamp)
        (mV) = (millivolt)
        SUFFIX NaP
        USEION na READ ena WRITE ina
        RANGE gnaPbar,ena, ina
        RANGE minf
        RANGE tau_m
        RANGE vhalfAct,slopeAct
        v   (mV)
        dt  (ms)
       gnaPbar  = 0.00002  (S/cm2)
        ena = 50 (mV)
        tau_m = 0.1 (ms)
        vhalfAct = -57 (mV)
		slopeAct = 3.5
        ina (mA/cm2)
        SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
        ina = gnaPbar*m*(v - ena)      

        m = minf

DERIVATIVE states { 
        LOCAL minf
        minf = 1/(1 + exp(-(v - vhalfAct)/slopeAct))
        m' = (minf-m)/tau_m


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Re: Is inserting the hh mechanism compulsory?

Post by ted »

Clearly you have missed the latest ukase: "everything is forbidden, except that which is mandatory."

Regarding your question:

"addgraph" is not a NEURON keyword. Nobody knows what it is except you (and maybe someone else if you're reusing code that was written by a third party).


Code: Select all

hh mechanism not inserted in section dopaminergic[0].soma
 in C:/Users/verma/OneDrive/Model_OneDrive/test.hoc near line 244
 addgraph("dopa.soma.ina", 2, 1)
looks like a concatenation of two different error messages. I suppose it is possible for a single statement to provoke such a pair of messages, but I don't recall running into such a situation.

The first line indicates that NEURON encountered a statement that expects the hh mechanism to be present in the currently accessed section. The second line indicates that NEURON encountered a statement that expects a section to have a mechanism that WRITEs ina, but the section lacked such a mechanism.

Remember that sequence of execution is important in a procedural programming language like hoc or Python. A thing must exist before you can use it. If a section doesn't have a mechanism that WRITEs ina, trying to refer to the sodium current at any location in that section will produce an error message.
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