starting gui multisplit from code

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starting gui multisplit from code

Post by oren »

I have what seems to be a weird question. Usually when I want to do multisplit on a model that I am running. I do:
Tools-> Parallel Computing -> threads=8 & Multiplit on

and it works. But I can't seems to find the correct commands so that this clicks will be automatically run from the code,
When I do the following code:


I do not see any improvement in the speed of the simulation. Only when I click on the gui on Multisplit checkbox I then see any effect on the simulation time..
I understand that there need to be some kind of load balance command, but I can't seem to find it.

How can I activate the gui Multisplit() command via code?

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Re: starting gui multisplit from code

Post by ted »

The simplest way to proceed is to first save a configured ParallelComputeTool to a session file. Then you can load that session file and you'll get multithreaded execution, but the only line of code you have to write is a load_file() or xopen() statement that reads the ses file.

"Oh, but I might want to change the number of threads."

Easy. After you load the ses file, there will be an instance of the ParallelComputeTool class called ParallelComputeTool[0]. Just do this:

Code: Select all

// assumes the number of threads you want is called nthr
objref pct
pct = ParallelComputeTool[0]
change_nthread(nthr, 1)
You can also turn multsplit on and off--just substitute
multisplit(1) // 0 to turn off
for the change_nthread() statement.

Be sure to read the Programmer's Reference about object_push() and object_pop(). Also examine the ParallelComputeTool's .ses file, and look in the hoc library at the contents of parcom.hoc and maybe you'll get some new ideas.
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Re: starting gui multisplit from code

Post by oren »

Thank You,
Working Great!
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Re: starting gui multisplit from code

Post by ted »

Write as little code as necessary. Saves time and effort, avoids mistakes.
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