Voltage waveform as a NetCon source

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Voltage waveform as a NetCon source

Post by sl6609 »

Hey there Ted,

Say I have a neuron with a synaptic point process. I also have a Vector with recorded voltage levels that I would like to input into the synapse. Each element of the Vector contains a voltage value separated by a given dt.

I was thinking that I would use NetCon with the voltage Vector as a source, and the synaptic point process as the target. This way NetCon would monitor the voltage level and every time it crosses the threshold, it would activate the NET_RECEIVE part of the synaptic point process.

However I understand that NetCon can't take Vectors as sources, but it can take point processes. Should I create a voltage clamp (SEclamp) point process and drive it with my voltages Vector so I can use it as source for my NetCon connection? If so, how do you drive an SEclamp with a voltage Vector without using the GUI (ie only using mod and hoc statements)? I have had look at FAQ topic "SEClamp and IClamp just deliver rectangular step waveforms. How can I make them produce an arbitrary waveform, e.g. something that I calculated or recorded from a real cell?", but it seems it only uses the GUI.

Thank you,

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Re: Voltage waveform as a NetCon source

Post by ted »

sl6609 wrote:Say I have a neuron with a synaptic point process. I also have a Vector with recorded voltage levels that I would like to input into the synapse. Each element of the Vector contains a voltage value separated by a given dt.
If your model involves several different presynaptic waveforms that have to "drive" several synaptic mechanisms, the most direct and efficient approach is to first use a program that does the following:
1. analyzes a recorded voltage waveform to find the times at which it crosses your assumed threshold for spike-triggered synaptic transmission
2. saves these times to a file
Then write your simulation code so that it
1. sets up the model cell or network
2. reads the spike time file into a Vector
3. uses that Vector and an instance of the VecStim class to deliver events at those times to your synaptic mechanism
Source code for the VecStim class is in nrn-x.x/examples/nrniv/netcon/ where you will find vecevent.mod plus a hoc and ses file that demonstrates how it works. Here is a program that reads and analyzes voltage data, detects threshold crossing times and appends them to a Vector, and confirms its performance by plotting v vs. t and marking the times at which v rises to or above a user-specified threshold:

Code: Select all

reads data in the format
first line
t0 v0
t1 v1
t2 v2


THRESH = -45 // threshold for "spike detection"

strdef tstr
objref dfil, tdata, vdata
tdata = new Vector()
vdata = new Vector()
dfil = new File()
// first line is label:str
// second line is number of data pairs
numpairs = 0
numpairs = dfil.scanvar()
// subsequent lines are tval vval pairs
for i=0,numpairs-1 {
  tdata.x[i] = dfil.scanvar()
  vdata.x[i] = dfil.scanvar()

///// find where vdata rises above thresh

thresh = THRESH

objref tvdata, ttdata, stvec
ttdata = tdata.c
tvdata = vdata.c
stvec = new Vector() // will hold the times of threshold crossings

The algorithm:
  find the first datum >= threshold
  record the corresponding time
  discard data up to that point
  look for the first datum < threshold
  discard data up to that point
until there are no more data

Before entering this loop, one must be at the first datum < threshold.

// $o1 and $o2 are the input time and data vectors
// returns a vector of "spike times"
obfunc spiketimes() { local i  localobj tmpvec, ttmp, vtmp
  ttmp = $o1.c
  vtmp = $o2.c
  tmpvec = new Vector()
  i = vtmp.indwhere("<", thresh) // find first value < thresh
// print "below threshold at ", ttmp.x[i]
  while (i>=0) { // look for the next spike time
    // ith datum is subthreshold
    vtmp.remove(0,i) // discard previous data
    i = vtmp.indwhere(">=", thresh) // find first value >= thresh
// print "crosses threshold at ", ttmp.x[i]
    if (i>=0) {
      // ith datum is at or above threshold
      vtmp.remove(0,i) // discard previous data
      i = vtmp.indwhere("<", thresh) // find first value < thresh
      // ith datum is below threshold
// print "below threshold at ", ttmp.x[i]
  return tmpvec

stvec = spiketimes(tdata,vdata)
print "Spike Times"

// seeing is believing
objref g
g = new Graph()
vdata.plot(g, tdata) // show the data

// mark the spike times
objref yval
yval = new Vector(stvec.size())
yval.mark(g, stvec, "|", 12, 2, 1) // red vertical line
objref xx,yy
xx = new Vector(2)
yy = new Vector(2)
xx.x[0] = 0
xx.x[1] = 100
yy.plot(g, xx, 2, 1) // red horizontal line

g.exec_menu("View = plot")
All you have to do is add a procedure that writes the spike times to a file.

If you are only going to have a single synapse that is driven by just one presynaptic voltage, it is quicker and easier to use Vector.play to drive your voltage waveform into a range variable that belongs to a point process that has a WATCH statement that generates an event whenever the range variable crosses threshold. Here is the source code for such a point process

Code: Select all

Play a Vector into WatchStim.x, and this mechanism will
launch an event when x rises above thresh.

Note:  WATCH statements don't work with ARTIFICIAL_CELL.
ARTIFICIAL_CELLs are not associated with a cvode instance,
and this makes it problematic to associate them with the 
proper cvode instance and thread.

    RANGE vv, thresh

PARAMETER { thresh }
ASSIGNED { vv } : the WATCHed variable must not be called "x"

    net_send(0, 1) : launch a self-event with flag==1 
        :to execute the WATCH statement

    if (flag == 1) {
        : if vv crosses thresh in a positive-going direction,
        : send a self-event with flag==2
        WATCH (vv > thresh) 2
    } else if (flag == 2) {
        : send an event to all NetCons that have
        : this point process as their source
and here is a demonstration program that drives it with a ramp waveform that crosses the "spike threshold" halfway through the simulation run

Code: Select all


create dummy // WatchStim is a POINT_PROCESS so needs a "host" section
objref ws
dummy ws = new WatchStim(0.5)

// drive ws.vv with a Vector's contents

objref vvec, tvec
tvec = new Vector(2)
tvec.x[0] = 0
tvec.x[1] = tstop
vvec = tvec.c
vvec.play(&ws.vv, tvec, 1) // "continuous" Vector.play
  // vvec is treated as a continuous ramp that rises from 0 at t==0
  // to tstop at t==tstop

ws.thresh = tstop/2 // thresh crossing halfway through the simulation

// report the threshold crossings

proc reportx() {
    print "crossed threshold at t = ", t, " v = ", ws.vv

objref ncws, nil
ncws = new NetCon(ws, nil)

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