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"Help Files" without Netscape?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:53 pm
by Martenzi
I read that you can bring up NEURON help files but you got to have Netscape? I assume it is old information because I did not know Netscape still existed.

However, what is the simplest way to get access to specific help commands or direct "how to" files. At the moment I´m looking to implement a AlphaSynapse where I need 6 synapses firing on a single dendrite simultaneously. I thought I start with:

objectvar stim
dend stim1 = new AlphaSynapse(1)
dend stim2 = new AlphaSynapse(0.8)
dend stim3 = new AlphaSynapse(0.7)
dend stim4 = new AlphaSynapse(0.5)
dend stim5 = new AlphaSynapse(0.3)
dend stim6 = new AlphaSynapse(0.2)

Now, It would be helpful to get access to the structure and commands related to AlphaSynapse. I do not have Netscape=)

Re: "Help Files" without Netscape?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:15 pm
by ted
Martenzi wrote:I read that you can bring up NEURON help files but you got to have Netscape? I assume it is old information
It's so old I'll have to ask where you found it before I can do anything about it.
what is the simplest way to get access to specific help commands or direct "how to" files.
I´m looking to implement a AlphaSynapse where I need 6 synapses firing on a single dendrite simultaneously.
That will work if you want each synapse to be active just one time.

Whether or not they will actually be located at different points depends on the fineness of spatial discretization. Note that, if rangeval == 0 (or 1),
secname objrefname = new Classname(rangeval)]
will create a new instance of Classname that is located at 0 (or 1). However, if 0 < rangeval < 1, the new instance will be located at the center of the segment that contains rangeval. Each segment is L/nseg long, so segment centers (also called "internal nodes") are located at (i-0.5)/nseg where i=1..nseg. For example, if nseg = 1, there is one internal node which is located at 0.5, but if nseg = 3 the nodes are located at 1/6, 1/2, and 5/6.

Note that there is no value of nseg that gives a "nice" base 10 set of node locations; 5 gives 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9, but you're not going to get 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... 0.9. Also, if rangeval lies on a boundary between segments, the node that is selected is governed by roundoff error. If you absolutely must place point processes at locations that are separated by 10% of the length of a neurite, you'll have to chop that neurite into 10 sections of equal length.
It would be helpful to get access to the structure and commands related to AlphaSynapse.
It's in the Programmer's Reference, available from the Documentation page or directly from a link at

You'll probably find it helpful to read
Help for the total beginner
"The NEURON simulation environment" (overviewforhbtnn2e.pdf)
(see the Documentation page)