Code: Select all
begintemplate single_CA1
public soma , axon , apicular_dentrite , nclist
create soma , axon , apicular_dentrite
objectvar nclist
access soma
proc init () {
create soma , axon , apicular_dentrite
nclist = new List()
soma {
/* topology*/
nseg = 1
diam = 30
L = 30
/* biophysics*/
Ra =100
cm = 1
insert hh
axon {
/* topology*/
nseg = 3
diam = 1
L = 1000
/* biophysics*/
Ra = 100
cm = 1
insert hh
apicular_dentrite {
/* topology*/
nseg = 23
diam = 1
L = 600
/* biophysics*/
Ra = 100
cm = 1
insert pas
g_pas = 0.002
e_pas = -65
connect axon(0) , soma(0)
connect apicular_dentrite(0) , soma(1)
endtemplate single_CA1
/*creating 2 identical neurons*/
no_of_cells = 2
objectvar cells[no_of_cells]
for i = 0 , no_of_cells-1 {
cells[i] = new single_CA1()
/*inserting current in both somas*/
objectvar current_injection[no_of_cells]
for i = 0, no_of_cells-1 cells[i].soma {
current_injection[i] = new IClamp(0.5)
current_injection[i].del = 100
current_injection[i].dur = 100
current_injection[i].amp = 0.45
/*placing synapses */
objectvar syn[no_of_cells]
for i=0 , no_of_cells-1 {
access cells[i].apicular_dentrite
syn[i] = new Exp2Syn(0.5)
syn[i].tau1 = 0.5
syn[i].tau2 = 1.0
syn[i].e = 0
/*connecting two neurons*/
access cells[1].soma
cells[0].nclist.append(new NetCon (current_injection[1], syn[0] , -20 , 1 , 1 ))
access cells[0].soma
cells[1].nclist.append(new NetCon (current_injection[0], syn[1] , -20 , 1, 1))
we are trying to model a bi directionally coupled ca1 neuron , we have written a code for 2 neuron morphology but the output shows a single neuron...i would like to know :
1.) How to view if a synapse has been created ?
2.) This program does not give an error , it gives an output showing 1 1 1 in neuron 6.1 window. What does this mean ?
3.) When i viewed the output in shape plot window , i got as single neuron as output