Running multiple neurons through parallel programming

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Krishna Chaitanya
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Running multiple neurons through parallel programming

Post by Krishna Chaitanya »


I have tried running a fairly large network with cvode solver and also with intrinsic parallelization. For 4000 neurons, the simulation didn't show any error but when scaled to 40000, this error is shown (please see below):
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
No more errno warnings during this execution
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.592) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
exp(944.591) out of range, returning exp(700)
No more errno warnings during this execution
errno set 6 times on last execution
errno set 6 times on last execution
errno set 6 times on last execution
errno set 6 times on last execution

What is it that I am doing wrong? Could you kindly let me know?

Thank you.
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Re: Running multiple neurons through parallel programming

Post by ted »

The problem probably lies in how you scaled up the network. Did the number of synapses/cell change? Did the number of afferent spike streams (i.e. netcons) per synaptic target change?

I'm not sure what "intrinsic parallelization" means.
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