Averaging Synaptic Current Between Specific Times

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Averaging Synaptic Current Between Specific Times

Post by Yaeger »

Hi, I would like Neuron to give me a readout of the synaptic current that a neuron receives. Ordinarily, this would be easy because you could record the synaptic current(s) in a vector and then just average the contents of the vector. However, in my simulations the synaptic currents begin at a particular time (a VecStim generates the synaptic currents at the specified times based on an input vector) seconds after the start of the simulation. If I average over all of the synaptic current vector, I would include times when the synapse was inactive, so what I would like to do is to only average between the times of the first and last event in the input vector to the VecStim, but I am at a loss as to how to do that.
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Re: Averaging Synaptic Current Between Specific Times

Post by ted »

what I would like to do is to only average between the times of the first and last event
Why don't you just discard the part of the vector that contains values from before the first synaptic activation?
If the "averaging window" is the time of the last event, won't you be ignoring the synaptic current generated by the last event (and truncating any significant tails from previous events)?
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