e_extracellular question

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e_extracellular question

Post by pass1945 »

Dear Ted,
I have a really basic question about what is being collected when I use e_extracellular. Recall that my model is on ephaptic effect, with one row of cells firing, creating an extracellular field that affect the second row of cells fire, and these two rows are not connected. I inserted extracellular for all of the cells, and I found that when my first row were firing due to a I-Clamp and when I was trying to plot the e_extracellular, there was nothing (0 all the way). After being ephaptically affected by the first row, all of the cells in the second row had e_extracellular waveforms that looked normal. Now my question is why did the first row didn't have a e_extracellular waveform? Is it because e_extracellular waveform is just showing what I have stimulated with a .play(&e_extracellular,...), not a recording function? In another words, the e_extracellular waveforms that I collected from row 2 cells did not include the extracellular voltages that it "generated" due to its own firing, but only what I input at each node?
Thank you!

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Re: e_extracellular question

Post by ted »

pass1945 wrote:when my first row were firing due to a I-Clamp and when I was trying to plot the e_extracellular, there was nothing (0 all the way)
Please see the documentation of the extracellular mechanism http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/stati ... racellular
What were the values of the extracellular mechanism's parameters, especially xc[0] and [1] and xg[0] and [1]?
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