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synapse using ampa and nmda receptors

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:32 pm
by sachinjm
Hi all i m sachin want to create 100 excitatory synapse using ampa and nmda.... can anybody tell me how should i do?....i should want to use dendrites just pre and post compartment pls help me.....i did it follwing way...

maxsyn = 100

for i=0, maxsyn-1 { syn = new ExpSyn(0) }

for i=0, maxsyn-1 { SThcells.PRE SThcells.nclist.append(new NetCon(&SThcells.PRE.v(.5), syn, -54, 0, 0.5)) }

where post is post compartment and pre is the pre compartment i created synapse as follow
objectvar amp[50]
for i=0, 49 {
amp = new AMPA() // create synapse amp.loc(0.5) // assign postsynaptic compartment
setpointer amp.pre, SThcells.PRE.v(0.5) }

objectvar nmd[50]

for i=50, nsyn-1 {
nmd[i-50] = new NMDA() // create synapse[i] nmd[i-50].loc(0.5) // assign postsynaptic compartment
setpointer nmd[i-50].pre, SThcells.PRE[i].v(0.5) // assign presynaptic compartment

where nsyn = 100

is it right? pls i need help very badly....