Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

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Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

Post by ipv1313 »

I have four neurons in my network defined through cell templates in hoc - dopa, gaba, chol, and glu. I have multiple mod files for different receptors as well. Now I want to create a synapse between two neurons through python.
I am using this code for the gaba A type receptor:
RANGE C0, C1, C2, D1, D2, O1,O2, curr, hco3i, hco3o
RANGE g, gmax, rb1, rb2, q0, tr, del, tdur
GLOBAL Rb1, Rb2, Ru1, Ru2, Rd1, Rd2, Rr1, Rr2, a1, b1, a2, b2, p, q

(nA) = (nanoamp)
(mV) = (millivolt)
(pS) = (picosiemens)
(umho) = (micromho)
(mM) = (milli/liter)
(uM) = (micro/liter)
(mA) = (milliamp)
F = (faraday) (coulomb)
R = (mole k) (mV-coulomb/degC)

celsius = 37 (degC)
Erev = -80 (mV) : reversal potential
hco3i = 16 (mM)
hco3o = 26 (mM)
gmax = 28 (pS) : maximal conductance
tdur = 5 (ms)
del = 0 (ms)
Pr = 0.3
dmax = 3.6 (/ms)
kh = 2 (mM)
nh = 2

: Rates

rb1 = 30 (/mM /ms)
Ru1 = 90e-03 (/ms)
rb2 = 15 (/mM /ms)
Ru2 = 180e-03 (/ms)
b1 = 0.2 (/ms)
a1 = 1.1 (/ms)
b2 = 2.5 (/ms)
a2 = 0.142 (/ms)
Rd1 = 0.006 (/ms)
Rr1 = 0.35e-03 (/ms)
Rr2 = 0.05 (/ms)
p = 0.001 (/ms)
q0 = 1e-08 (/mM /ms)

v (mV) : postsynaptic voltage
curr (nA) : current = g*(v - Erev)
g (pS) : conductance
tr (mM)
ecl (mV)
ehco3 (mV)
Rb1 (/ms)
Rb2 (/ms)
Rd2 (/ms)
q (/ms)
icl (nA)
C (mM)
ihco3 (nA)

C0 : unbound
C1 : single GABA bound
C2 : double GABA bound
O1 : Open state from single bound state
O2 : Open state from single bound state
D1 : single GABA bound, desensitized
D2 : double GABA bound, desensitized

C0 = 1
C1 = 0
C2 = 0
O1 = 0
O2 = 0
D1 = 0
D2 = 0
tr = 0

SOLVE kstates METHOD sparse

ehco3 = log(hco3i/hco3o)*(celsius + 273.15)*R/F
g = gmax * (O1 + O2)
curr = (1e-6) * g * (v - Erev)
ihco3 = Pr*curr
icl = (1-Pr)*curr

KINETIC kstates {
Rb1 = rb1 * tr
Rb2 = rb2 * tr
Rd2 = dmax/( 1 + (kh/tr)^nh)
q = q0 * tr

~ C0 <-> C1 (Rb1, Ru1)
~ C1 <-> C2 (Rb2, Ru2)
~ C1 <-> O1 (b1, a1)
~ C2 <-> O2 (b2, a2)
~ O1 <-> D1 (Rd1, Rr1)
~ O2 <-> D2 (Rd2, Rr2)
~ D1 <-> D2 (q, p)

CONSERVE C0+C1+C2+D1+D2+O1+O2 = 1

FUNCTION release(){
if (t>del && t<=(del+tdur)) {
tr = C
else{ tr = 0}
Here, C is a pointer which is accessing the transmitter concentration from the release mechanism as defined here: ... mod#tabs-2

Now, I want to add this receptor onto the dopa soma surface and want the pointer to point to the transmitter concentration releasing through the gaba's 68th axon in python. When I am using this code, it is giving me a null pointer here:
post1 = []
num_receptors = 1000
for i in range(num_receptors):
r = h.gabaa()
r.loc(0.5, sec=dopa.soma)
r.C = gaba.axon[68].T_rel
Its giving this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\verma\OneDrive\Automated_model\", line 43, in <module>
r.C = gaba.axon[68].T_rel
AttributeError: POINTER is NULL

How can I do this right? I am not getting any of this error when I am trying to do it in hoc like this:
objectvar post1[1000]
for r = 0, 999{
post1[r] = new gabaa()
dopa.soma post1[r].loc(0.5)
setpointer post1[r].C, gaba.axon[68].T_rel
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Re: Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

Post by ted »

Use of pointers to communicate the fact that "a presynaptic spike has occurred" to a synaptic mechanism attached to a postsynaptic cell was state of the art 27 years ago. Since about 20 years ago, the best practice for implementing spike-triggered synaptic transmission has been to use events (why? makes programs easier to develop and maintain, and enables writing code that will run on parallel hardware). Also since then, at_time has been deprecated for new code and events became the best practice for controlling "duration of transmitter presence in the synaptic cleft" in those models of synaptic transmission that made such an assumption (why? using events results in code that is easier to understand, and enables the development of state machines for purposes such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity). See Example 10.6: Saturating synapses in chapter 10 of The NEURON Book. Later today I'll have the opportunity to dig into your code and make specific implementational recommendations.
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Re: Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

Post by ramcdougal »

We have a video on networks and numerical methods on the NEURON YouTube channel:

You may also be interested in checking out the ball-and-stick tutorials... they'll step you through creating your first cell to building a ring network: ... ick-1.html
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Re: Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

Post by ted »

Excellent tips, Robert. Probably will be helpful for many other readers of this thread.

Now an important design decision for ipv1313:

The values of ecl, ehco3, Pr (the fraction of synaptic conductance that is attributable to hco3), and Erev are not independent of each other, because

Erev = Pr * ehco3 + (1 - Pr) * ecl

Furthermore, since the value of Pr is constrained to lie in the range 0..1, it follows that Erev is limited to the range ehco3..ecl.

So you have to choose which of the three variables Erev, ehco3, and ecl will be the dependent variable. You might be tempted to make Erev be independent; after all, it is the easiest one to measure in an experiment. But then you will have to decide which of the two ionic equilibrium potentials to cut loose from their ionic concentratons.

My own preference would be to make Erev be the dependent variable, and console myself with the knowledge that Erev will lie somewhere between ehco3 and ecl; besides, NMODL can easily calculate its value.
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Re: Null pointer error when trying to access the pointer through python

Post by ted »

My own preference would be to make Erev be the dependent variable
and that is what I have done in this implementation of an event-driven synaptic mechanism based on the NMODL code in your first post. I have inserted explanatory comments where this implementation differs from your original code.

Code: Select all

: value of C is now from element 0 of the NetCon's weight vector
: replace the idiosyncratic curr with the widely used i
: STATEs are automatically range, so no need to declare this
:    RANGE C0, C1, C2, D1, D2, O1,O2, curr, hco3i, hco3o
    RANGE i, hco3i, hco3o
: the WRITE icl declaration in the USEION statement
: does not make it possible to discover the value of the chloride
: current generated by any particular instance of this mechanism.
: make this value accessible to hoc and Python by declaring icl RANGE 
    RANGE icl
: synaptic delay parameter del is now handled 
: by the NetCon that delivers events to this mechanism
:    RANGE g, gmax, rb1, rb2, q0, tr, del, tdur
    RANGE g, gmax, rb1, rb2, q0, tr, tdur
: the values of ecl, ehco3, Pr (the fraction of synaptic conductance
: that is attributable to hco3), and Erev are not independent of each
: other, because
: Erev = Pr * ehco3 + (1 - Pr) * ecl
: furthermore, since the value of Pr is constrained to lie in the 
: range 0..1, it follows that Erev is limited to the range ehco3..ecl
: Erev is most easily measured in an experiment, but its value
: is a consequence of other values that have direct biological bases
: so it becomes an ASSIGNED
: also, its value might easily be a function of spatial location,
: so it should be declared RANGE 
:    GLOBAL Erev
: finally, the value of ehco3 could easily be of interest
: so make it RANGE too
    RANGE Erev, ehco3
    GLOBAL Rb1, Rb2, Ru1, Ru2, Rd1, Rd2, Rr1, Rr2, a1, b1, a2, b2, p, q

    (nA) = (nanoamp)
    (mV) = (millivolt)
    (pS) = (picosiemens)
    (umho) = (micromho)
    (mM) = (milli/liter)
    (uM) = (micro/liter)
    (mA) = (milliamp)
    F = (faraday) (coulomb)
    R = (mole k) (mV-coulomb/degC)

: NEURON will ignore this assignment because in NEURON
: celsius is a top-level global parameter that is accessible
: to hoc and Python as celsius and h.celsius respectively
:    celsius = 37 (degC) : this value will be ignored
: Erev is now an ASSIGNED with value calculated from ecl, ehco3, and Pr
: see comment in NEURON block
:    Erev = -80 (mV) : reversal potential
    hco3i = 16 (mM)
    hco3o = 26 (mM)
    gmax = 28 (pS) : maximal conductance
    tdur = 5 (ms)
: synaptic delay is specified by the NetCon that delivers the event
: that activates this synaptic mechanism
:    del = 0 (ms)
    Pr = 0.3
    dmax = 3.6 (/ms)
    kh = 2 (mM)
    nh = 2

    : Rates

    rb1 = 30 (/mM /ms)
    Ru1 = 90e-03 (/ms)
    rb2 = 15 (/mM /ms)
    Ru2 = 180e-03 (/ms)
    b1 = 0.2 (/ms)
    a1 = 1.1 (/ms)
    b2 = 2.5 (/ms)
    a2 = 0.142 (/ms)
    Rd1 = 0.006 (/ms)
    Rr1 = 0.35e-03 (/ms)
    Rr2 = 0.05 (/ms)
    p = 0.001 (/ms)
    q0 = 1e-08 (/mM /ms)

    v (mV) : postsynaptic voltage
: use i instead of the idisyncratic curr
:    curr (nA) : current = g*(v - Erev)
    i (nA) : total current generated by an instance of this mechanism
    g (pS) : conductance
    tr (mM)
    ecl (mV)
    ehco3 (mV)
    Rb1 (/ms)
    Rb2 (/ms)
    Rd2 (/ms)
    q (/ms)
    icl (nA)
    C (mM)
    ihco3 (nA)
: a state variable that reflects the presence or absence 
: of transmitter in the synaptic gap
    on (1) : 1 if synapse has been activated, 0 otherwise
    celsius (degC) : see comment in PARAMETER block
: see comment in NEURON block
    Erev (mV) : apparent synaptic reversal potential
    : calculated from ecl, ehco3, and Pr

    C0 : unbound
    C1 : single GABA bound
    C2 : double GABA bound
    O1 : Open state from single bound state
    O2 : Open state from single bound state
    D1 : single GABA bound, desensitized
    D2 : double GABA bound, desensitized

    C0 = 1
    C1 = 0
    C2 = 0
    O1 = 0
    O2 = 0
    D1 = 0
    D2 = 0
    tr = 0
    on = 0
: if this mechanism is used in a model that assumes hco3i and hco3o
: are constant during a simulation, just calculate ehco3 here
    ehco3 = log(hco3i/hco3o)*(celsius + 273.15)*R/F
    Erev = Pr * ehco3 + (1 - Pr) * ecl : see comment in NEURON block

    SOLVE kstates METHOD sparse

: see comment in INITIAL block
:    ehco3 = log(hco3i/hco3o)*(celsius + 273.15)*R/F
    g = gmax * (O1 + O2)
: use i instead; see comment in NEURON block
:    curr = (1e-6) * g * (v - Erev)
: these are incorrect unless ehco3 == Erev by luck or contrivance
:    ihco3 = Pr*curr
:    icl = (1-Pr)*curr
: to compute i, calculate the individual current components
: and add them together
: these are always correct
    icl = (1e-6) * g * (1-Pr) * (v - ecl)
    ihco3 = (1e-6) * g * Pr * (v - ehco3)
    i = icl + ihco3

KINETIC kstates {
: FUNCTION release() has been replaced by statements in the
: NET_RECEIVE block--see NET_RECEIVE below
:    release()
    Rb1 = rb1 * tr
    Rb2 = rb2 * tr
    Rd2 = dmax/( 1 + (kh/tr)^nh)
    q = q0 * tr

    ~ C0 <-> C1 (Rb1, Ru1)
    ~ C1 <-> C2 (Rb2, Ru2)
    ~ C1 <-> O1 (b1, a1)
    ~ C2 <-> O2 (b2, a2)
    ~ O1 <-> D1 (Rd1, Rr1)
    ~ O2 <-> D2 (Rd2, Rr2)
    ~ D1 <-> D2 (q, p)

    CONSERVE C0+C1+C2+D1+D2+O1+O2 = 1

replaced by statements in the NET RECEIVE block
FUNCTION release(){
    if (t>del && t<=(del+tdur)) {
    tr = C
    else{ tr = 0}

NET_RECEIVE (C (mM), on) {
  if (flag == 0) { : this event was triggered by 
    : a presynaptic variable crossing a NetCon's threshold
    : in a positive-going direction (e.g. by a presynaptic spike)
    if (!on) { : "activate" the synapse
      tr = C : concentration of transmitter in synaptic gap equals C
      net_send(tdur, 1) : a self-event that will signal when 
        : tr should return to zero
      on = 1 : so it is clear that the synapse has been activated
    } else {
      : if the synapse is already active, 
      : move the self-event so that the transmitter persists
      : in the synaptic gap until tdur ms after the most recent
      : event with flag==0
      net_move(t + tdur)
  if (flag == 1) {
    : the self-event has arrived
    : time for tr to fall back to 0
    tr = 0
    on = 0
  : given the complexity of the gating mechanism
  : superposition can't be exploited--
  : a separate instance of this mechanism
  : will be needed for each afferent event stream
Some comments about the performance of this mechanism with its present parameter values:
1. ehco3 is about -11.7 mV. ecl, however, will be very close to the model cell's resting potential. Consequently ihco3 will be much larger than icl, and synaptic activation will depolarize the cell.

That said, a single synaptic activation has little effect on membrane potential unless transmitter concentration in the synaptic gap is fairly large. Given a single compartment model cell that has surface area 100um2 and the pas mechanism with g_pas 0.001 S/cm2 and e_pas -70 mV (no other channels, so resting potential is -70 mV), a single synaptic activation that raises transmitter concentration in the synaptic gap to 0.1 mM (NetCon's weight[0] equal to 0.1) for 5 ms depolarizes the cell by only about 0.43 mV.

2. A single synaptic activation that raises transmitter concentration tr in the synaptic gap to 1 mM for 5 ms elicits a synaptic conductance transient with a biphasic time course consisting of a brief early peak followed by a later, very broad peak of similar amplitude. The amplitudes and times of these peaks are 16 pS at 1.85 ms after the onset of the increase of tr, and 18 pS at about 33.175 ms after the increase of tr (about 27 ms after transmitter vanishes from the gap). They are separated by a deep minimum of about 2.85 pS at about 6 ms after the increase of tr (about 1 ms after transmitter vanishes from the gap). Is there any experimental evidence for such a time course at any GABA-A synapse?

I'll be glad to provide by email the source code for the model that produced these results, if you like.

My guess is that the bicarbonate concentrations aren't quite right.
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