changing parameters

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changing parameters

Post by srahim2 »

Again, thank you so much for your help so far. I was trying to play around with a simulation and wanted to change parameters directly on the GUI instead of going back into the .mod files and recompiling everything. Is there a way to do this?
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shape name viewer to adjust model parameters

Post by ted »

Depends on how the properties of the model were specified, and how the mod files
themselves were written. If a CellBuilder was used to specify the properties of the model
cell, that's the tool to use to adjust conductance densities. Otherwise, you can try a
"shape name viewer"
NEURONMainMenu / Tools / Distributed Mechanisms / Viewers / Shape Name
This will show a shape plot of the model cell and a list of section names. Double click on
a secton or a section name and up comes a parameter panel for that section. The
parameters are those that were declared RANGE in the NEURON blocks of the density
mechanisms that were inserted into that section.

Note that some programmers embed model specification code inside procs that are
executed during model initialization. This may serve them well, but it makes life much
more difficult for anyone else who tries to use their code--because the statements that
are executed during initialization will override anything you try to do from the oc> prompt
or with GUI tools.
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