removing .lib files

Anything that doesn't fit elsewhere.
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removing .lib files

Post by fsaraga »

I'm trying to clean up some folders on my computer, but when I try to delete i686 folders, it won't let me. I've deleted all the files within the folder, it seems empty to me. But when I try to delete the folder it gives me the following error:

Cannot remove folder .libs: A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.

I have tried to change the .libs folder but I get the same error. Is there a way to permenantly delete these folders? I am using Windows.
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Re: removing .lib files

Post by ted »

Very strange.
I am using Windows.
Sounds like you're using Linux--why do you have i686 folders? Are you compiling NEURON
from source code? Under Linux, rm -rf i686 should remove i686 and any subdirs.

Post by fsaraga »

Oh sorry.

I originally compiled the files in Linux and now I'm trying to erase those files from a Windows envirnment using a remote access software called Citrix. I am not trying to open the NEURON files, just erase them. I may have to telnet into the linux itself to erase those i686 files.

Thanks for your help.
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Post by ted »

I've never had any difficulty removing .i686 directories under MSWin 2K or XP. Who knows
what limitations exist when trying to do that via a login under Citrix.
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