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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:59 am
by mikey
I need more speed! So, one avenue I am thinking of is supercomputing and/or parallel. I have tried other avenues - such as less compartments etc. - but these have been a little unsatisfactory. I thought about parallel some time ago, but was concerned then because I have just a single neuron and as I understand it parallel is very bleeding edge for single neurons. Is this still the case?

Anyway, all this parallel/supercomputing talk is somewhat irrelevant as I don't actually have access to any at this time. So, I write as to whether anyone has any experience at getting time at one of these major centres. As I understand it one can apply for CPU time with them, and then just log in remotely to run your model. They may even have NEURON preinstalled! The pittsburgh supercomuting centre is one. I am not USA based or a USA national. Looking at their criteria for CPU time, this could hurt me a bit. Does anyone know any other other centres that are a bit more international in their offering?