Get it with: pip install nrn-glia
It allows you to install package with either pip install <package-name> or glia install <package-name> and will automatically discover and compile the mod files within, ready for immediate use.
Using it in your Python scripts is as easy as importing glia! No more manual compiling or messing about with mod files in different folders required. Glia will prevent all naming conflicts for you.
Code: Select all
from neuron import h
import glia as g
section = h.Section()
g.insert(section, "Kv1")
You can still select different implementations at runtime like so:
Code: Select all
g.insert(section, "Kv1", pkg="other_package", variant="leaky")
Astrocyte is a packager for Glia and will help you distribute glia packages. Distributing your own glia package is as simple as:
astro create package <name>
cd <name>
astro add mod <mod-file>
astro build
astro upload
Repeat astro add mod as much as you like and after these few simple steps you will have uploaded a bundle of publicly available mod files that others can use immediatly simply by typing glia install <name>