We are happy to announce several exciting events at SFN 2019 in Chicago, IL for the new Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) software designed for cell and circuit interpretation of human EEG/MEG.
HNN will be presented with live demonstrations at the times and locations below. Team members will be on hand at each event to answer questions and help users get started with HNN.
Sunday October 20th 11-11:30am
Carney Booth 2129
Sunday October 20th 6:30-8:30pm
BRAIN Initiative Alliance Tools & Technology Social
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Ballroom CD
Monday October 21th 11-11:30am
Carney Booth 2129
Monday October 21st 6:45pm
Open-Source Technology Social
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Room N135
Wednesday October 23rd 1-5pm
McCormick Place: Hall A. Poster 729.06
HNN events at SFN 2019
A tool for testing hypotheses about circuit mechanisms underlying EEG/MEG data
Moderator: samnemo
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