Tutorials on simulating ERPs/Rhythms using HNN

A tool for testing hypotheses about circuit mechanisms underlying EEG/MEG data

Moderator: samnemo

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Tutorials on simulating ERPs/Rhythms using HNN

Post by samnemo »

We recently released a new set of tutorials (https://hnn.brown.edu/index.php/tutorials/), describing how to use HNN to simulate some of the most commonly observed patterns in MEG/EEG data, including event related potentials, and low frequency rhythms (alpha/beta/gamma). We welcome any feedback/comments to improve these tutorials. Thanks!
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Re: Tutorials on simulating ERPs/Rhythms using HNN

Post by axiezai »


I've recently installed HNN and started running your tutorials, I am wondering if the poisson input is being recorded and outputted by HNN?

Opening up the output data directory I see param.txt, rawdpl/dpl.txt, spk.txt and vsoma.pkl. I understand that the dpl files are the dipole time series, but I have not sure what i.txt and spk.txt are? Is the poisson input included in one of these .txt files? If not, is there a way to obtain the poisson input from HNN?

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Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:14 pm

Re: Tutorials on simulating ERPs/Rhythms using HNN

Post by samnemo »

Poisson inputs are recorded and saved by HNN.

The format of spk.txt is: column 1 = spike times, column 2 = identifier

If you look at param.txt you will see a line with something like this:
extpois: [1350, 1619]
that indicates that identifiers 1350 through 1619 are associated with Poisson inputs.
You can then find those identifiers in the spk.txt file to get the times of the Poisson inputs.

vsoma.pkl stores somatic voltage (default is not to record/save it)
i.txt stores currents

We plan to upgrade HNN's data output format in the future.
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