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changing colors in the shape plot

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:11 am
by ted
On 3/8/2005 Juan Antonio Laville Conde <> wrote:
I have tried to change the colors in the shape plot without success. Is
there a way to customize the colors and the scale (more than 13 colors) in the
shape plot?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:12 am
by ted
On 3/8/2005 Ted Carnevale <> wrote:
Good question. Go to the FAQ list
and look for the item
Q: How do I change the color scale used in shape plots?

On 2/18/2006, Ted Carnevale added the following:
Also, the PlotShape class's colormap() method can be used to specify a global (default)
color map, or to create a color map that is local to an individual PlotShape--see ... l#colormap