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Compiling Neuron Under MSWin

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:43 am
by umamaheswari
I am trying to compile Neuron under WinXp.

I followed exactly the same instructions mentioned in the form.
step 1: Get the source code for
the current standard distribution of NEURON nrn-nn.tar.gz
and--unless you're one of the "very few users" mentioned above--the corresponding version of InterViews iv-mm.tar.gz

Step 2: So before you compile NEURON under MSWin, we recommend getting a precompiled installer--either for the current standard distribution, or the most recent alpha version, depending on your needs--and using it to install NEURON on your PC. This takes care of important registry settings, and sets up all of the files and directory structures that your custom compiled version of NEURON will need.

Step 3:
The following instructions assume that you have already installed and configured Cygwin and, for the reasons described above, installed either the standard distribution or a recent alpha version of NEURON.

Step 4:
cd $HOME
mkdir neuron
mv iv-mm.tar.gz neuron
mv nrn-nn.tar.gz neuron
cd neuron
tar xzf iv-mm.tar.gz
tar xzf nrn-nn.tar.gz

configure, make, and install InterViews
In the rxvt window,
cd iv
./configure --prefix=`pwd`

configure and make NEURON
cd ..
cd nrn
./configure --prefix=`pwd`
[make failed to run]

Copy the custom dlls to c:\nrnnn\bin
But first you might like to put the "old" ones in a safe place, in case you would ever want to use them again without having to reinstall NEURON.
Using the MSWin file manager ("Windows Explorer"), create a subdirectory in c:\nrnnn\bin
and call it "old". Then drag cygIVhines-3.dll and cygnrniv.dll from c:\nrnnn\bin to c:\nrnnn\bin\old .

Finally, in the rxvt window
cp src/mswin/cygnrniv.dll /cygdrive/c/nrnnn/bin
cd ../iv
cp i686/bin/cygIVhines-3.dll /cygdrive/c/nrnnn/bin
[cygIVhines-3.dll and nrniv.dll custom dll's were not found in the corresponding directories.]
[Prior to this i have installed native Neuron7.1 under MSWIN]
Do I need to install native python or how to compile Python as neuron module?
Can someone help me out?


Re: Compiling Neuron Under MSWin

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:56 pm
by hines
I followed exactly the same instructions mentioned in the form.
do you have a url for this so I can compare what you did with what the "form" says to do.
There seems to be some differences between what you did and ... pile_mswin

I assume you have an up to date installation of cygwin or else you could not have
successfully build iv.
For the nrn part
[make failed to run]
could be interpreted in a variety of ways. At one extreme, how could make not launch if it
launched when building iv. At any rate there should have been some kind of error message
that came out on the screen.

All the python you need to build with the configure argument --with-nrnpython comes with the cygwin development environment.
Perhaps we should take this offline to email < michael dot hines at yale dot edu > where you can send me full output files.

Are you looking to have both python and mpi or just python as a part of neuron?

Re: Compiling Neuron Under MSWin

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:06 am
by breynaert

I am trying to get NEURON as a Python module in WIndows (xp).
After reading a lot of posts on this forum I am a bit confused about
the actual state of the process. What is actually needed? Which are
the required steps?

I am using python 2.7 for Windows, and when I try to configure, both the stable 7.1
version or the repository code, I get the "use a mingw-targeted cross-compiler" error,
even if I specify CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-g++.

Is NEURON still to be build in two phases?
If yes, how?

Thanks in advance for your help.
