Optical extracellular stimulation and xtra

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Optical extracellular stimulation and xtra

Post by JamesKyeh »


I've been recently going through the implementation of ostim.mod from https://senselab.med.yale.edu/modeldb/s ... /ostim.mod and as such have also been learning about extracellular stimulation from older posts on the forum and the extracellular_stim_and_rec demo.

In the model linked, an xtra.mod is included however I also noticed that the corresponding pointers are not set and both xtra and extracellular mechanisms don't seem to be actually implemented into the cell (second guessing myself since why else would it be included in the modeldb entry but can't find any evidence in the code).

If my observations are correct, what is the difference in how ostim.mod works that allows it to stimulate extracellularly without the usage of the xtra and extracellular mechanisms?

I am assuming it is due to the drastic difference of ostim being based on photons, irradiance, and flux instead of traditional stimulation units. Which in that case brings up the question of why xtra.mod is included in the model?

Any point in the right direction of thinking would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Optical extracellular stimulation and xtra

Post by ted »

The fact that a ModelDB entry contains some file x does not mean that x is relevant to that ModelDB entry. People sweep all kinds of rubbish into the zip files that they upload to ModelDB, and sometimes they even have a rational reason for including an "unused" file (e.g. an included file may have nothing to do with reproducing a figure from the paper, but maybe it was used to analyze numerical results that are presented in the paper).
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