Giving random weight to model

The basics of how to develop, test, and use models.
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Giving random weight to model

Post by babaksm »

I want to give a random weight for my network in my used model.
I am beginner and this is my starting project.
I am using new defined variable with round() on the "// Synaptic connections //" part but I am getting error. (instead of 0.001 which is weight on this line
( PY[j].soma RecurrentConnection[synapseCounter] = new NetCon(&PY[j].soma.v(.5), RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter], 0, 2, 0.001) )

Main codes:


Single-compartment model of "rebound bursts" in pyramidal
neurons (type of cell very common in association areas of
cortex). The model is based on the presence of four
voltage-dependent currents:
- INa, IK: action potentials
- IM: slow K+ current for spike-frequency adaptation
- IL: L-type calcium currents for burst generation

Model described in:

Pospischil, M., Toledo-Rodriguez, M., Monier, C., Piwkowska, Z.,
Bal, T., Fregnac, Y., Markram, H. and Destexhe, A.
Minimal Hodgkin-Huxley type models for different classes of
cortical and thalamic neurons.
Biological Cybernetics 99: 427-441, 2008.

Alain Destexhe, CNRS, 2009


// load and define general graphical procedures

ismenu = 0
batch = 0
objectvar g[20] // max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0

proc addgraph() { local ii // define subroutine to add a new graph
// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue)
ngraph = ngraph+1
ii = ngraph-1
g[ii] = new Graph()

proc addtext() { local ii // define subroutine to add a text graph
// addtext("text")
ngraph = ngraph+1
ii = ngraph-1
g[ii] = new Graph()
text_id = ii

proc addline() { // to add a comment to the text window
// addline("text")

if(ismenu==0) {
nrnmainmenu() // create main menu
nrncontrolmenu() // crate control menu

// transient time

trans = 0000

print " "
print ">> Transient time of ",trans," ms"
print " "

// create PY cells

print " "
print "<<==================================>>"
print "<< CREATE CELLS >>"
print "<<==================================>>"
print " "

xopen("TemplatePyramidalCell.hoc") // read geometry file

ncells = 3 // nb of cells in each layer <<>>
icells = 1

objectvar IN[icells], PY[ncells], RecurrentSynapse[ncells * ncells-1 + icells], RecurrentConnection[ncells * ncells-1 + icells], InhibitorySynapse[ncells], InhibitoryConnection[ncells]
for i=0,ncells-1 {
PY = new sPYb()
for i=0,icells-1 {
IN = new InhibitoryCell()

// Synaptic connections //
//pyramidal to pyramidal
//objref weight(wei)
//for wei in uniform(0,0.02):
synapseCounter = 0
for i = 0, ncells-1{
access PY.soma
for j = 0, ncells-1{
if (j!=i){
PY.soma RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter] = new Exp2Syn()
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].g = 0.0005 //Absolutely no change in output regardless of change in value
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau1 = 0.5 //rise time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 0.5. see Symes and Wennekers
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau2 = 3 //3 //fall time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 3
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].e = 0
PY[j].soma RecurrentConnection[synapseCounter] = new NetCon(&PY[j].soma.v(.5), RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter], 0, 2, 0.001)
synapseCounter = synapseCounter + 1

// inhibitory to pyramidal
gabacounter = 0
for i = 0, ncells-1{
access PY.soma
for a = 0, icells -1{

PY.soma InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter] = new Exp2Syn()
InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter].g = 1
InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter].tau1 = 1
InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter].tau2 = 250
InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter].e = -75
//IN[a].soma InhibitoryConnection[gabacounter] = new NetCon(&IN[a].soma.v(.5), InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter], 0, 2, 0.00002)
IN[a].soma InhibitoryConnection[gabacounter] = new NetCon(&IN[a].soma.v(.5), InhibitorySynapse[gabacounter], 0, 2, 0) //0.01111)

gabacounter = gabacounter + 1

// pyramidal to inhibitory
for i = 0, ncells-1{
for a = 0, icells -1{
access IN[a].soma
IN[a].soma RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter] = new Exp2Syn() //neuron to interneuron
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].g = 0.0005 //Absolutely no change in output regardless of change in value
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau1 = 0.5 //rise time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 0.5. see Symes and Wennekers
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau2 = 3 //fall time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 3
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].e = 0
PY.soma RecurrentConnection[synapseCounter] = new NetCon(&PY.soma.v(.5), RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter], 0, 2, 0.0002) //0.015)
synapseCounter = synapseCounter + 1
print gabacounter


// insert electrode in each PY cell

if(ismenu==0) {
load_file("electrod.hoc") // electrode template
ismenu = 1

objectvar El[2 * ncells] // create electrodes

CURR_AMP = 0.15

//for i=0,ncells-1 { // Positive pulse current
for i=0,1 { // Positive pulse current
PY.soma El = new Electrode()
PY[i].soma El[i].stim.loc(0.5)
El[i].stim.del = 5000
El[i].stim.dur = 2000
El[i].stim.amp = CURR_AMP

for i=0,ncells-1 { // Negative pulse current
PY[i].soma El[i +ncells] = new Electrode()
PY[i].soma El[i +ncells].stim.loc(0.5)
El[i+ncells].stim.del = 12000
El[i+ncells].stim.dur = 0 //15
El[i+ncells].stim.amp = -0.0

objref netstim[ncells], RandSynapse[ncells], RandConnections[ncells], r
for i = 0, ncells-1{ // Sine wave injection
access PY[i].soma
PY[i].soma netstim[i] = new SinClamp(.5)
netstim[i].del = 12000
netstim[i].dur = 280000
netstim[i].freq = 7
netstim[i].pkamp = 0.0

//for i=0,icells-1 { // Stimulation to inhibitory cells
//IN[i].soma El[ncells + i] = new Electrode()
//IN[i].soma El[ncells + i].stim.loc(0.5)
//El[ncells + i].stim.del = 3000
//El[ncells + i].stim.dur = 10
//El[ncells + i].stim.amp = -0.5


// setup simulation parameters

Dt = .1 // macroscopic time step <<>>
npoints = 380001 //280000 in Fig4, 380001 in Fig5

dt = 0.1 // must be submultiple of Dt
tstart = trans
tstop = trans + npoints * Dt
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 5
celsius = 36
v_init = -84

// add graphs

strdef gtxt

if(batch == 0) {

// addgraph("PY[0].soma.m_iahp",0,1)
for i=0,ncells-1 {

// add text

objref ActionPotentialCounter, SpikeVector
SpikeVector = new Vector()
access PY[0].soma
PY[0].soma ActionPotentialCounter = new APCount()
ActionPotentialCounter.thresh = 0

objref ActionPotentialCounter2, SpikeVector2
SpikeVector2 = new Vector()
access PY[1].soma
PY[1].soma ActionPotentialCounter2 = new APCount()
ActionPotentialCounter2.thresh = 0

objref ActionPotentialCounter3, SpikeVector3
SpikeVector3 = new Vector()
access PY[2].soma
PY[2].soma ActionPotentialCounter3 = new APCount()
ActionPotentialCounter3.thresh = 0

min_p1 = 1.0 // Parameter 1 range setting (gcan)
delta_p1 = 1 // increment
stepCount_p1 = 1 // number of steps

min_p2 = 0.0 // Parameter 2 range setting (Wpp)
delta_p2 = 0.001
stepCount_p2 = 1

objref DeltaVector, DeltaVector2, ResultVector, ResultVector2, resultGraph, outputFile1, outputFile2, outputFile3

DeltaVector = new Vector(stepCount_p1)
DeltaVector2 = new Vector(stepCount_p2)

proc RunExperiment() {

outputFile1 = new File()

// Can current on off
for i=0,ncells-1 {
PY[i].soma.gbar_ican = 8.67e-6 * 1

for stepCounter = 0, stepCount_p1-1 {
p1 = min_p1 + (stepCounter * delta_p1)
DeltaVector.x[stepCounter] = p1

// Parameter 1 /////////////////////////////////////
//for c = 0, (ncells * (ncells-1))-1 {
//RecurrentSynapse[c].tau2 = p1

for i=0,ncells-1 {
PY[i].soma.gbar_ican = 8.67e-6 * p1

//for i=0,ncells-1 {
//El[i+ncells].stim.amp = p1

//for i=0,ncells-1 {
// InhibitorySynapse[i].tau2 = p1

for stepCounter2 = 0 , stepCount_p2-1 {
p2 = min_p2 + (stepCounter2 * delta_p2)
DeltaVector2.x[stepCounter2] = p2

// Parameter 2 /////////////////////////////////////
for i=0,(ncells * (ncells-1))-1 { // This is corrrect
RecurrentConnection[i].weight = p2

//for i=0,ncells-1 {
//El[i+ncells].stim.dur = p2

//for i = 0, ncells-1 {
// netstim[i].pkamp = p2

//for i=0,ncells-1 {
//InhibitoryConnection[i].weight[0] = p2


currentFreq = 0
currentFreq2 = 0
currentFreq3 = 0

// Normal cases
//totalDelay = El[0].stim.del + El[0].stim.dur + 10000
//totalInterval = El[0].stim.del + El[0].stim.dur + 20000

// In case of netative current injection
totalDelay = El[ncells + 1].stim.del + El[ncells + 1].stim.dur + 5000
totalInterval = totalDelay + 10000

for q = 0, SpikeVector.size-1 {
currentValue = SpikeVector.x[q]
if (currentValue > totalDelay){
if (SpikeVector.x[q] < totalInterval){
currentFreq = currentFreq + 1
for q = 0, SpikeVector2.size-1 {
currentValue = SpikeVector2.x[q]
if (currentValue > totalDelay){
if (SpikeVector2.x[q] < totalInterval){
currentFreq2 = currentFreq2 + 1
for q = 0, SpikeVector3.size-1 {
currentValue = SpikeVector3.x[q]
if (currentValue > totalDelay){
if (SpikeVector3.x[q] < totalInterval){
currentFreq3 = currentFreq3 + 1

currentFreq = currentFreq/10
currentFreq2 = currentFreq2/10
currentFreq3 = currentFreq3/10

progress = ((stepCounter * stepCount_p2) + (stepCounter2 + 1))/(stepCount_p1 * stepCount_p2) * 100
print " "
print "******************************************"
print "Progress in percentage"
print progress
print "p1"
print p1
print "p2"
print p2
print "First cell freq"
print currentFreq
print "Second cell freq"
print currentFreq2
print "Third cell freq"
print currentFreq3

outputFile1.printf("%f", currentFreq2)


outputFile2 = new File()
for j = 0, stepCount_p1-1 {
outputFile2.printf("%f", DeltaVector.x[j])
outputFile3 = new File()
for j = 0, stepCount_p2-1 {
outputFile3.printf("%f", DeltaVector2.x[j])

print "-------- Finished simulation"


isICAN = 1

proc ShowButtonSet() {
xpanel("Test panel")
xvalue("Calcium decay", "PY[0].soma.taur_cad(0.5)")
xbutton("Run Complete experiment", "RunExperiment()")
xvalue("gbar Im", "PY[0].soma.gkbar_im(0.5)")
xvalue("Recurrent synapse weight", "RecurrentConnection.weight")
xcheckbox("Ican", &isICAN, "SetIcan()")

xpanel(100, 800)

proc SetIcan(){
if (isICAN == 0){
for i=0,ncells-1 {
access PY[i].soma
uninsert ican
if (isICAN == 1){
for i=0,ncells-1 {
access PY[i].soma
insert ican

Last edited by babaksm on Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Giving random weight to moedl

Post by ted »

What is the error message?
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:48 am

Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by babaksm »

when I use:

// Synaptic connections //

//pyramidal to pyramidal
objref weight
weight = random(0,0.02)

synapseCounter = 0
for i = 0, ncells-1{
access PY.soma
for j = 0, ncells-1{
if (j!=i){
PY.soma RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter] = new Exp2Syn()
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].g = 0.0005 //Absolutely no change in output regardless of change in value
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau1 = 0.5 //rise time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 0.5. see Symes and Wennekers
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau2 = 3 //3 //fall time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 3
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].e = 0
//weight = uniform(0,0.02)
PY[j].soma RecurrentConnection[synapseCounter] = new NetCon(&PY[j].soma.v(.5), RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter], 0, 2, weight)
synapseCounter = synapseCounter + 1

ERROR: random undefined function
I should say that I also tried with "Random" but I got same error.
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Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by ted »

The error message is correct. The source code in your posts doesn't define a function called random. If you fix that, the next error message will probably be that weight has been declared to be an objref, so it cannot thereafter be treated as a scalar variable.

Time to read the Programmer's Reference documentation of
1. the Random class--see ... tml#Random
which has some examples of how to generate pseudorandom numbers.
2. Object Oriented Programming in HOC ... n/obj.html ... ing-in-hoc
focusing on how to declare variable names to be objrefs, and how to use objrefs to create instances of a class.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:48 am

Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by babaksm »

Thanks Ted

I solved most of the problems but the only thing is that I am getting the same random number each time I run the hoc file.
for weight, I need random decimal numbers between 0 and 0.02 .
my new code:

objref r1
r1 = new Random()

synapseCounter = 0
for i = 0, ncells-1{
access PY.soma
for j = 0, ncells-1{
if (j!=i){
PY.soma RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter] = new Exp2Syn()
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].g = 0.0005 //Absolutely no change in output regardless of change in value
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau1 = 0.5 //rise time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 0.5. see Symes and Wennekers
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].tau2 = 3 //3 //fall time of the pulse going through the synapse. originally set to 3
RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter].e = 0
//weight = uniform(0,0.02)
PY[j].soma RecurrentConnection[synapseCounter] = new NetCon(&PY[j].soma.v(.5), RecurrentSynapse[synapseCounter], 0, 2, r1.uniform(0,0.02)) //r1.uniform(0,0.02) for random weight
synapseCounter = synapseCounter + 1
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Location: Yale University School of Medicine

Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by ted »

I am getting the same random number each time I run the hoc file.
I remember one of my classmates at Dead Moose Junction Vocational School years ago, who sat in the back of the room and was a general pain in the neck. He was smarter than everyone else in the room, or at least he thought so. I can just imagine him saying "That's a feature, not a bug. It's called reproducibility." After graduation he went to Caltech, and the next time I saw him he was much more humble.

Reproducibility is essential for model debugging and development. If you have a computational model that produces different results every time you execute a simulation, it has a bug--probably in its initialization code. Your model produces the same results, so that's a good thing.

But now you want to see what happens if the network's weights are different. The easiest way to do this is to change the pseudorandom sequence generator's seed (the documentation of the Random class should contain at least one example of changing the seed) before the weights are assigned.

If you are starting NEURON from the command line, you could use a command line option to set the seed before model setup; execute
nrngui -h
nrniv -h
to read about the various command line options.

Here's an example of how to use a command line option to pass a parameter to hoc:
Suppose boo.hoc contains this statement
print "x is ", x

nrniv -c "x=3" boo.hoc

produces this output
x is 3
and if you execute a shell script that contains the following

nrniv -c "x=3" boo.hoc
nrniv -c "x=PI" boo.hoc
nrniv -c "x=sqrt(2)" boo.hoc

you'll get this output

NEURON -- VERSION 7.5 master (8ae0ca8) 2017-10-08
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2016

x is 3
NEURON -- VERSION 7.5 master (8ae0ca8) 2017-10-08
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2016

x is 3.1415927
NEURON -- VERSION 7.5 master (8ae0ca8) 2017-10-08
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2016

x is 1.4142136

Of course the shell script could set the seed, and instead of boo.hoc you'd want to have a revised version of your own program that uses the seed to initialize the random number generator before model setup happens. And the shell script would be a record of the seeds that you used, guaranteeing reproducibility (but to be safe, it would be a good idea to save each seed along with the corresponding simulation results).

Is that enough to get you going?
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:48 am

Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by babaksm »

Dear Ted
Thanks for your informative reply.
It is a interesting code for me. I would assign simple number instead of using 'random' codes if it is supposed to give me a same number. :)
However, on random class page ( ... ndom-class), I do not see an example. Even the mentioned example does not work for me. I would like to see an example for seed and changing it.

from neuron import h
r = h.Random()
for i in range(10):
print(r.uniform(30, 50))

I get syntax error(first line ).
For nrniv also I got error.
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Posts: 6300
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Location: Yale University School of Medicine

Re: Giving random weight to model

Post by ted »

However, on random class page . . . I do not see an example. Even the mentioned example does not work for me. I would like to see an example for seed and changing it.
That's strange. The discussion of the Random Class at ... ndom-class
has multiple examples of how to "seed" the pseudorandom sequence generators, which range from the usual "reference manual syntax examples" like these

h.Random(seed, size)
r.ACG(seed, size)
r.MLCG(seed1, seed2)
highindex = r.MCellRan4(highindex)
highindex = r.MCellRan4(highindex, lowindex)
0 = r.Random123(id1, id2, id3)
uint32 = r.Random123_globalindex([uint32])

to chunks of working demonstration code.

Code: Select all

from neuron import h
r = h.Random()
for i in range(10):
    print(r.uniform(30, 50))
I get syntax error(first line ).
That's very strange. It works for me.

Code: Select all

[ted@blitz babaksm]$ nrniv -python 
NEURON -- VERSION 7.5 master (8ae0ca8) 2017-10-08
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2016

What version of NEURON are you using? i.e. what is the first line that NEURON prints to its terminal when it starts?
Post Reply