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A question about "proc init()"

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:08 am
by elaine_gao
Hello, I am a NEURON novice, just contacted this software soon, so I hope to get everyone's help.
I want to create a neural network and plan to use the following code
begintemplate cell
public soma, dend
create soma, dend[1]
proc init() {
ndend = 2
create soma, dend[ndend]
soma {
nseg = 1
diam = 18.8
L = 18.8
Ra = 123.0
insert hh
gl_hh = .0001666
el_hh = -60.0
dend[0] {
nseg = 5
diam = 3.18
L = 701.9
Ra = 123
insert pas
g_pas = .0001666
e_pas = -60.0
dend[1] {
nseg = 5
diam = 2.0
L = 549.1
Ra = 123
insert pas
g_pas = .0001666
e_pas = -60.0
connect dend[0](0), soma(0)
connect dend[1](0), soma(1)
endtemplate cell

However, when I type "proc init ()", the system displays “c:\nrn\bin\nrniv.exe: Segmentation violation”
I don't know why this happens.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much!

Re: A question about "proc init()"

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:18 am
by ted
when I type "proc init ()", the system displays “c:\nrn\bin\nrniv.exe: Segmentation violation”
You mean you entered
proc init()

Suggestion: use the Forum's formatting options to make your posts more readable. For example, to preserve indentation of source code, select the entire block of code that you entered, then click on the "Code display" button (looks like
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